Thursday, January 2, 2014

An Angel on Assignment

An Angel on Assignment
Keith Anderson

            My family was raised in the Badlands of North Dakota. Early in their lives both of my parents were free spirits. At the age of 15 my father started breaking wild horses for the United States Army.  My mother played several instruments in a lively western dance band.  When I was a small child, I didn't go to Sunday school, and I had never heard Jesus's name - except as a curse word.  Our family was on a one-way street with God - He loved us, but we didn't love Him.  If any family needed God's love, it was ours.
            Then one day God sent an angel to the Anderson family who didn't really deserve it.  On that day my folks decided to go to a carnival in a little valley outside of Zap, North Dakota where we lived.  They had parked their 1933 Whippet at the top of a butte which could not be seen by those who were attending the carnival down in the valley.
            Back in those days when you locked the doors from the outside of the car, they could not be opened from the inside.  My mother and dad decided to lock my brother (who was 4) and me (who was 1) in the car while they walked around at the carnival.
            While there, a lady tapped my mother on the shoulder.  Mother turned to see a woman standing there in a white dress, a white head wrap and white shoes.  My mother was stunned by her appearance because NO ONE wore white garments, especially white shoes, in this area because of the red scoria dust which covers the ground. Mother also took special note of the fact there wasn't even any dust on her shoes. 
            The woman looked at my mother and only said, "Your car is on fire." 
            With that mom and dad took off running up the hill.  There was no one else up there -- just the cars.  They immediately saw smoke coming out from underneath their hood.    
            [In this model car the gas tank was located under the hood near the firewall which is next to the cabin.  The battery was located beside the gas tank.]
            When Dad raised the hood, he could see that the battery had shorted out causing sparks which could have easily ignited the gasoline.  With his bare hands, my dad ripped the cable off the battery saving the lives of us two boys.
            Afterwards, my mother ran down to the fairway to thank the lady.  She knew she could find her because there wasn't that big a crowd.  She asked people if they had seen a lady dressed all in white - even her shoes.  They all laughed at her.  Looking for a woman dressed in all white.  Who would be dressed in such a way here?  Impossible! 

            There was no doubt God had been merciful and sent an angel because He loved the Andersons.  Later on this family gave their lives to Jesus.  As a result, my brother even pioneered eleven churches in his lifetime.  

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