Sunday, May 6, 2012

Overcoming Adversity

Sharon Graham
Fifteen years ago a special miracle occurred in our family.  My eighteen-year-old niece Melina had just graduated from high school and was dealing with a lot of turmoil in her life due to her pregnancy.  The miracle was the survival of her daughter Courtney.
When Melina went into labor, she was taken to the hospital in the rural area of northern Alabama where she lived.  She was then sent home because her pains were considered to be “false labor”.  Returning to the hospital a few hours later, the nurse did an ultrasound and immediately called the doctor,  who arranged for her transfer to a hospital with a pediatric intensive care unit.  The ultrasound showed the baby’s organs were outside her body. Melina had had previous ultrasounds even into her last month, but none of them had ever shown this!
If Melina had had a vaginal delivery, the baby would have died.  However, she arrived at University of Alabama Birmingham in time to have a C-section.  The baby was given a 50% chance of survival. Those attending the baby managed to push Courtney’s organs back into her body a little at the time.  Miraculously she never had an infection.  She was able to leave the hospital in six weeks instead of the four to six months that was predicted. Many prayers from her concerned family were also adding to her care.
Courtney did have some early developmental delays in her life.  Now the only signs of what happened to her is a scar that goes vertically down her abdomen and the absence of a naval – neither of which bothers Courtney, a very confident young lady.  The scar actually reminds her that she did not come easily into this world and that God chose for her to live.
Courtney is now sixteen.  Although she will always be petite, she caught up on her areas of early delay.  She’s an outstanding student.  Melina, her mother, did a tremendous job raising her.  Her grandparents have given them both great support and provided for needed interventions.  Courtney’s life is an example of God’s grace and healing!
Melina has now completed college and is a social worker.  She is in a happy marriage and also has a son.  Although during her adolescent years she faced great adversity, she has overcome it with God’s grace and power. 

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