Wednesday, May 2, 2012

God’s Healing Touch

Sandy Giles
For six months I had been having trouble with stomach pain and bloating.  It was to the point where I could no longer wear a lot of my clothes.  In addition, I was having trouble with my knee, and surgery was needed.  However, before I could have the surgery, I was told to see my gastrologist and get his approval.  So I went to see him, and he ordered a CAT scan, which showed I had a blockage in my aorta.  I was shocked!  This required me to see a heart doctor, who confirmed the blockage and ordered a heart catheterization.
After seeing that doctor and before getting the catheterization, the Rev. Sharon Lewis, an Episcopal priest who leads the internationally known Amazing Love Healing Ministries, was doing a service at Good Shepherd.  During the service she and my priest, the Rev. Sarah Bronos, invited individuals who needed healing to come up for prayer.  I went.
The following week I went to have the catheterization.  It showed no blockage.  In fact, in a matter of days the stomach pain and bloating also went away.  I was told I could go ahead and have the knee surgery.
I feel absolutely certain that it was God who healed me of those ailments.

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