Thursday, July 2, 2015

A Special Gift

                                                                   A Special Gift

                                                                Elizabeth Gardner

In the year 2000, I was diagnosed with a spinal cord tumor. My neurosurgeon said it had to be removed as soon as possible. This tumor affected my left leg causing my foot to turn inward which would almost make me fall. In addition, I was told that the surgery could paralyze me from the waist down.

I went to my priest, Father Jim Shortess, and told him about the tumor and the pending surgery. Looking for comfort and peace I attended all the Holy Eucharist services offered at Good Shepherd. Many people were praying for me, and I was most grateful.

Nearer to the time of my surgery, I once again attended a Holy Eucharist service. As I entered my pew in our beloved chapel, I suddenly began to feel our Lord's presence. I also began to smell His precious, sweet fragrance which permeated the air. I could not get enough of this wonderful scent!

Later in that service I went to the altar rail to receive the sacrament of communion. I thanked God before receiving the bread and wine. When Father Jim got to me, I whispered what I was experiencing. He smiled and said to me, "Elizabeth, you have received it all!" This was indeed Christ's special gift to me for the assurance of His presence and His healing grace. I was in His beloved hands. What joy, love, and peace!

Although they were not able to remove the entire tumor, my surgery went smoothly. Thankfully I was not paralyzed. That was 14 years ago, and I have not had any further problems with this tumor.

May the precious name of Jesus be praised!

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