Monday, May 6, 2013

If One But Listens

Pam Allman
As a child, I always attended the all-faiths services on the naval bases where my father was stationed.  However, at the age of eleven my mother decided to have me baptized and confirmed into one denomination.  In that church I came to love the beauty and order of the service as well as the quiet solemnity of the prayers.  I would say that I have always had a faith in God, the Trinity, but sometimes I would wonder just how strong my faith was.

Recently, after a move, I began attending a church that challenges its people to “be in the Bible” every day.  In these last four years my husband and I have followed a Bible-reading schedule that results in the whole Bible being read each year.  Doing this has opened my eyes and re-directed my thinking. I have to admit that I must have slept through years of Bible study, because I am now seeing, with “new eyes,” a God who is real and close and familial.  The five pastors in my present church each have their own way of presenting a sermon.   They are most human and encourage us through word and deed.  Hearing powerful sermons based on the Bible that include history and text, living experiences, and non-biblical references have also helped. In plain language, even the densest person “can get it” if he or she but listens.  

Years ago a Bible study leader once asked our class, “Would you know Christ if He came today?” I remember, quite clearly, my answer: “There are so many false prophets today, I’m not sure I would.” Well, I am here to tell you that my faith has grown so that I now can say, without a doubt, “I am His child and, of course, I will know His voice!” Like Mary at the empty tomb, it will only take His calling my name.

It has been a "God-thing" for me to have received this “extra tutoring”. It has opened my eyes and ears to the words of His promise and the comfort of His presence.

Thanks be to God!

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