Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Being Mindful of God's Blessings

Joan Schultz
On January 6, 2011, I had a severe fall on the patio of our townhouse.  My left femur was fractured in multiple places, and my left foot was badly twisted.  I laid several minutes on the cold concrete calling for help.  From the way in which I had fallen, I was amazed that my head had not been hurt, nor was my right side.  I landed beside the patio gate beside my Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow plant.  As I was falling, I felt as though cupped hands were guiding my head to the concrete.

A few years earlier I had purchased this plant because of its beauty and the unique way it blooms.  When a bloom first opens, it is a deep purple; the next day it turns to lavender; and the third day it changes to white with brown spots.

Sometime I made a connection between what happens to each bloom and a verse from scripture.  Hebrews 13:8 states "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday and today and tomorrow."  

After the surgery to repair the damage done to my leg I had to spend many weeks in a rehab facility.  Once I was able to return home, it was many weeks before I got over my fear of using my walker to go near the place on the patio where the accident took place. 

Now it is the winter of 2013 in Florida.   The weather is warm and plants are blooming about six weeks earlier than usual.  Recently I have made another connection having to do with this plant, which I now call my Jesus plant because of the earlier connection I had made with that scripture. Now each time I go out through patio gate I am inspired and refreshed as I pass by this beautifully blooming bush that God used to help me.  Seeing this plant lifts my spirit each day.
What I have written about tells how God has communicated with me through His word and His creation.  There have been countless times in my life when He has boosted my spirit by revealing Himself to me in such ways.

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