Wednesday, May 11, 2011

God Is Good

By Henry Spang
            As I reflect on my life, I recall the many blessings of healing I have received from our Lord’s hand.  They began with my birth eighty plus years ago when I entered this world as a seven-month baby at a time before advances in premature care. 
            When I was a teenager, I had a minor leg injury, but one that resulted in further complications:  a staph infection, blood poisoning, gas gangrene, as well as a high temperature.  I was delirious for several days.   A doctor, having just returned from the navy after WWII where he had gained knowledge of the new drug, penicillin, administered that drug to me.  As a result, it saved my leg from amputation. 
       Then only a few years ago, a small blip showed up when I had a routine EKG.  It revealed a heart blockage.  I was then able to have a successful quadruple heart bypass operation.  The most astounding evidence of the Lord’s inestimable love and grace is his continuous presence in the day-to-day events and experiences in my life.  I have seen successful outcomes in situations that are not through my actions, but come from His Love for me.  In more recent years I feel I have been staying in closer harmony with Him – listening to the small, powerful voice providing guidance to answered prayer.
            GOD IS GOOD – ALL THE TIME!

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