Friday, August 3, 2018

Right Time - Right Reason

Right Time – Right Reason
Meg Folsom

I work in a family birthing center with midwives.  In 2006 a sweet young Christian couple came in.  That day was a bad one for me, as I had just been diagnosed with cancer.  When I came out to see them, they could tell I had been crying.  Even though I did not tell them what was wrong, they showed a lot of concern for me.
When the young lady, Bethany, and her mom returned for another appointment, they overheard me telling another staffer about my upcoming surgery.  They asked about it, and I told them then that I had cancer.  They asked if they could pray for me.  I said yes, and we went into another room for them to pray.  This family really touched my heart because of the love they showed me. They had come here for me to serve them, yet they were ministering to me.
The day Bethany came in to have her baby, I was there to assist.  While I was with her mom and her, I learned they often went on mission trips.  That was something I had been wanting to do for a long time.  However, I recognized that I only really wanted to do so for the accolades I would receive for going.  In my heart, I knew that was not the right reason.  Therefore, I decided not to pursue such an adventure.
After the birth of Bethany’s child, Lockland, I kept in touch with the family for years.  I would hear about their mission trips to Haiti - and long to go with them.   However, now I was fighting cancer which made it impossible.
Finally, in 2017, the time became right.  I had won my battle against cancer, and… my mind and heart were right about the reason I wanted to go.  In March I heard from Bethany that she, her mom, and her son Lockland, now 11, were going to make a trip to Haiti in November.  I asked to be included on this trip.  By November I had raised enough money to go.
During my week in Port-au paix, Haiti, I witnessed the Lord’s presence in many ways I had never seen before.  Amazingly, I was able to see Lockland, that little boy I helped bring into the world, ministering to other little boys.  In spite of the extreme poverty in the area where we served, it was beautiful to see how happy and loving these people were! The children were so joyful - giving such warm hugs.  Their happiness did not depend on having material objects, as is so often the case in our country. They displayed such unconditional love!  One day I ministered to ladies who worked in brothels. These ladies were sacrificing themselves in order to provide for their families.  On another day I worked with teens and single moms.  Yet all these ladies, even though having to endure such difficulties in life, were able to sing songs of praise with a resounding and heartfelt spirit.
Going on this mission trip was a life-changing experience for me.  Each night I slept soundly - eagerly awaiting the next morning when I could once again be with these people.  Each evening those of us on the trip would gather to tell about our day and to spend time praying for the needs we saw.  There was no doubt but that God there and with us!  Thanks be to God for this being the right time and the right reason for my going!  I hope to return!

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