Friday, July 28, 2017

Summoned to Prayer

Summoned to Prayer
Gordon Sims

            My day normally starts at 4 a.m., but on this special Friday I awoke abruptly at 3:30 a.m.! After making coffee I opened the window to let the cool air inside.  When I did so, I noticed the exceptional brightness of the moon lighting up the darkness. I went outside. Suddenly I started to think about 91 year old Ethel, a longtime and very active parishioner in my church.  After many months of illness and numerous hospital stays, it was felt that she was nearing her end on earth. Yet, it was at this exact time I felt a special urgency to pray for her.  I then came back inside.
            As I rode into work on my motorcycle, Ethel remained foremost in my thoughts and prayers.  As I continued on my way, I passed by our church and the old home where she used to live.  My thoughts were still only about her. Not focusing on my driving while riding on my motorcycle was an extremely dangerous thing to be doing.  It was as though I was on “Auto Pilot” getting to work  - as I continued praying for her. 
            When I got to work Terri, my wife, texted me this message, “Ethel entered peacefully into the nearer presence of our Lord this morning at 3:45 a.m.
            How amazing that I awoke earlier than usual this morning when her very death would have been about to occur!  Was it a coincidence that I had felt compelled to pray for her and felt close to her spirit?  Could it have been the Holy Spirit alerting me to pray for Ethel? I did listen and am happy that I may have played a part in praying my friend into heaven.
            Praying is something I do frequently.  I rely on communicating with God.  But never have I felt as summoned to prayer at a special time as I did on this particular morning.

            Through this experience, I realize more clearly the meaning behind the scripture, "Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints."  (Ps 116:15).

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