Thursday, August 4, 2016

All in God's Timing

All in God’s Timing
Terri  Sims

            When I was a small child, I experienced bad headaches. As I got older, they became more frequent, and by the time I was 13 I began to get migraines. I didn’t do much about it, except take Excedrin all the time (and burned up my tummy!).
            When I became a Christian at 22, I joined a faith community that believed in the gifts of the Spirit that include healing. I began to pray and have others pray for the healing of my migraines. In spite of their prayers, the pain continued to be bad. I would have only two or so days of relief before another one came on. I tried going to faith healers, "healing crusades", etc.  I had heard the usual... “All you need is faith”, or “Are you doing something wrong?” A number of times during about the next 20 years, doctors had prescribed MRI's.  Each time the results showed nothing wrong in my brain. Eventually I started taking daily medication which reduced them to about 2 a month. but nothing was helping them to go away. I was getting really discouraged, so I stopped praying for my miracle healing.
            About five years ago I started attending the Church of the Good Shepherd, and I began to pray once again for my healing. Fifteen months ago I began having Botox treatments (32 shots in one sitting!) that would lessen some of the pain.
            Then one day, Rev. Nigel Mumford, a well-known Christian healing minister who is the  founder of "By His Wounds" healing ministry, came to our church for a visit and to have lunch with the Order of St. Luke* members here at Good Shepherd. I asked Nigel if he would pray for my migraines after lunch.  As we were eating, he asked if there was a generational link in my family to this malady. We determined there was; my grandfather, both his daughters, both my mom’s daughters, and my daughter got migraines!
            After lunch, Nigel prayed individually for those of us in OSL.  When it came to be my turn, he prayed to the Lord to break this generational pattern and to heal my migraines. I actually did have one that afternoon, but by the end of my work day, it was gone.  
            I began to wonder if I was completely healed. Nearly 40 years later? I waited for a few weeks to see if I would get a migraine. I did not! I got excited and thought, "This is it!!  He has answered my prayer!" When I went back to my neurologist for another Botox treatment, I told him how God had healed me. I told him I would no longer need the treatments, and I wanted to be weaned off my daily medication. He was skeptical at first, but finally agreed that we would stop treatment gradually.
            Here I am a whole year later, and NO MIGRAINES! The Lord healed me! I know my prayers at last were answered… decades later.  I am so grateful for my healing.  It gives me such joy to tell my story to both my believing and non-believing friends.
            Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give    up (Luke 18: 1)
I am so very thankful that I never gave up.
            Thank you, Jesus!

*an inter-denominational religious order dedicated to the Christian healing ministry

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