Friday, October 14, 2016

Waiting on the Lord

Waiting on the Lord
Nancy Gardner

            In 2006 my husband and I were making a critical decision about our future.  He had already retired; I was to retire in six more years.  This was the year that my husband proposed a shocking idea for what he would like us to do when I stopped working.  He wanted us to pull up roots - move from Florida where we had been living for 45 years and build a home in North Carolina.  Prior to Rocky discussing this plan with me, he had already been to North Carolina and seen property he'd fallen in love with.  It was high up a mountainside having a panoramic view overlooking three states.
            Making such a move would be very hard for me since I had grown up and raised my family in Winter Park.  It would also require me to leave my family, my friends, and the places I was so familiar with - especially my church.  My church was as much a part of me as breathing!  Not only was it the place where my journey with the Lord began, but also where my children had begun their faith journey. The members of my church family were very dear to me -- having sustained me through some difficult times.  In addition, I had spent years directing the children's choir and singing in a ladies ensemble. Moving would be a real life changer!
            A short time after proposing this plan he took me to see the property.  It definitely had a  breath-taking view!  Now I had to make the very difficult decision. I agreed to go along "on this ride." However, I did have one fervent desire which I made known to my husband.  I was going to have to find a church where God's presence was evident and that had a warm and welcoming congregation.  It also needed to have strong music program where I could continue using my talents for praising the Lord.
            For the next eight years after buying the property and while the house was being built, I kept praying, asking God to help me find the right church.  During this span of time on our visits to check on the progress of the house, we stayed with friends.  My search was on.  We visited many churches, but neither of us felt as though the Holy Spirit was leading us to any of them.
            As our move into our new home approached, doubts flooded into my heart about leaving my family, friends, and a loving church.  However, I quickly learned to say, "Lord, I'm trusting you.  I know you will provide."
            Finally after moving into our home in 2015, I started searching the Internet to look for a church.  I found one that might fit us, but it was a forty minute drive from our house.  However, we did know people who attended there, and it did have a large music ministry.  Then while still online, I found myself looking at another church in a town closer to us.  This church offered a full music program, and there was even an orchestra!  To this day I know God directed me to this site.  My heart was so full.  I knew this was a God experience!
            The next Sunday evening we attended - thinking it would be a more relaxed atmosphere.  As soon as we got out of the car, we were welcomed by people in the parking lot; the pastor's sermon spoke to our seeking hearts.  Two people sitting behind us even asked me to join the choir!  I was so overcome with joy I could hardly speak.  Driving home that night I asked the Lord,“ Is this where you want us?" It certainly was even more than I was expecting. 
            We decided to go again the next Sunday morning just to affirm our feeling that we were in our new church home.  Afterward my husband and I both felt the peace of the Holy Spirit fill our hearts.  As I looked out over the tranquil mountains on our drive home, I was full of praise and thanksgiving for what the Lord had done.  It was another special moment with God.  These Scripture verses came pouring into my heart.     
            Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according    to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!
                        (Ephesians 3:20-21)

            Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will         find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.
                        (Matthew 7:7)

During the long nine years of waiting, I had kept on asking and seeking his perfect place for us.  Finally, the door opened. 
             Has this journey been easy? No, but I know through this experience that my God really does supply all my needs. And I will do as Psalm 146:1-2 directs:
            Praise the LORD, O my soul.
            I will praise the LORD all my life;

            I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.

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